“Probably the most important thing that we do in changing perspectives is taking young people overseas to see these issues firsthand.”

“Because when we do those small things with great love, as a Mother Teresa eloquently said, you change your life…." Read More

“Because when we do those small things with great love, as a Mother Teresa eloquently said, you change your life, you change the lives of others, but most importantly that world becomes somewhat of a smaller and a better place.” Le virus affaibli est utilisé dans le vardénafil odt et reflète de nombreux effets indésirables… Continue reading “Because when we do those small things with great love, as a Mother Teresa eloquently said, you change your life…." Read More

“Changing the world is the single coolest thing you can do.”

“Four lessons that we have learned over the years: the first lesson is basic – anybody can change the world…” Read more

“Four lessons that we have learned over the years: the first lesson is basic – anybody can change the world. Lesson number two is giving people the dignity not to need your help anymore. Lesson number three, use social enterprise to solve critical issues. And our last lesson – make it cool to care.”

“25 years later, tens of thousands of schools all across North American and around the world are joining us in our mission to bring service and learning into the classroom”

“We started the WE organization to empower young people with the tools they need to get started”

“The change starts within each one of us. And ends only when all children are free to be children”

“We work in regions that have some of the highest incidences of human trafficking and child labour – but we actually get to prevent it from happening in the first place.”

“We work in regions that have some of the highest incidences of human trafficking and child labour – but we actually get to prevent it from happening in the first place.”   https://edition.cnn.com/videos/tv/2019/03/11/cfp-we-charity.cnn

“We wanted to do more. We wanted to create a culture that addresses some of the biggest problems of our time in a tangible way. Poverty, child labour…” Read More

  “We wanted to do more. We wanted to create a culture that addresses some of the biggest problems of our time in a tangible way. Poverty, child labour, and lack of access to clean water are all massive problems in the world; problems that require solutions of equal scale… So we started the WE… Continue reading “We wanted to do more. We wanted to create a culture that addresses some of the biggest problems of our time in a tangible way. Poverty, child labour…” Read More

“When purpose and profit unite … the economy, the individual, and the community thrive.”

“When purpose and profit unite … the economy, the individual, and the community thrive.”