“Probably the most important thing that we do in changing perspectives is taking young people overseas to see these issues firsthand.”

“Changing the world is the single coolest thing you can do.”

“Four lessons that we have learned over the years: the first lesson is basic – anybody can change the world…” Read more

“Four lessons that we have learned over the years: the first lesson is basic – anybody can change the world. Lesson number two is giving people the dignity not to need your help anymore. Lesson number three, use social enterprise to solve critical issues. And our last lesson – make it cool to care.”

“25 years later, tens of thousands of schools all across North American and around the world are joining us in our mission to bring service and learning into the classroom”

“The world’s problems are innovations waiting to happen.”

“The world’s problems are innovations waiting to happen.”

“We believe in the power of business to make the world a better place. Companies..” Read More

“We believe in the power of business to make the world a better place. Companies, with their vast resources and networks, have an unparalleled ability to scale solutions. What if they could mass-produce solutions to the world’s biggest problem”

“We wanted to make caring cool and changing the world possible for young people.”

“We wanted to make caring cool and changing the world possible for young people.”

“Our social enterprise helped solidify the idea of purpose and profit, or in our case revenue, coming together to change the world.”

“When I was young, I was told I’d have to wait until I was older to change the world. I’m sure kids today hear the same thing… But the world needs young leaders now.”

“We wanted to make caring cool and changing the world possible for young people.”